Senolytic Activator



Qualia Senolytic Supplement, Fisetin, Quercetin, Piperlongumin & More, Aging Supplement That Supports Optimal Cell Repair & Rejuvenation, Naturally Eliminate Zombie Cells, Capsules,

About this item

  • AT THE LEADING EDGE OF ANTI-AGING RESEARCH – Senolytics are substances designed and demonstrated to destroy senescent cells, making “room” in tissues for more youthful cells and promoting whole-body rejuvenation.*
  • OPTIMIZE AGING – Qualia Senolytic is a supplement formula designed to resist aging at the cellular level by decreasing senescent cells while supporting tissue rejuvenation, normal tissue repair and revitalization*
  • SCIENCE-CENTERED: remove dead cells that are still hanging out in the body taking up space, perhaps adding to brown ‘age spots’ (we call these zombie cells). 
  • Use this packet 1 time per month to move these zombie cells out of the body and make room for youthful healthier cells.